Arts & Crafts

- Artists Employee Interest Group: Did you ever contemplate just picking up a sketchbook and heading somewhere peaceful where it's just you and your creativity? Or perhaps you used to draw, or paint, way back when, and somehow life got in the way and now your art supplies just sit in a corner, collecting dust? Then this interest group is for you! We envision meeting at least once a month on campus, indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather, and just letting our creativity loose. Whether you draw, paint, or colour, you are welcome to join! Bringing your own supplies is encouraged, but sharing is also an option. If you are interested, email Lavinia Carmen Uscatesco at
- Hokie Wellness Brain Breaks
- Loops Groups with New River Art & Fiber
- The Y Pottery Studio: Located inside the Y Center on North Main Street in Blacksburg, the studio provides community pottery classes and opportunities for studio memberships.