
Dolores S. Schiffert Endowment
Dr. Charles W. Schiffert, director of the Virginia Tech University Student Health Center from 1970-1986, generously established the Dolores S. Schiffert Health Education Endowment. This fund honors his beloved wife of more than 50 years—a source of unwavering inspiration and support—who passed away on November 30, 2007.
This $1 million gift, which ranks among the largest given to the Division of Student Affairs at Virginia Tech, is being used to advance a health education program that Schiffert established more than 30 years ago. It reflects his continuing interest in physical and emotional good health and his enduring commitment to principles of prevention as well as treatment.
Schiffert’s invaluable contributions as a distinguished director of student health services, made during a very active working career, were recognized in 1998 when the Health Center was named in his honor.
The Dolores S. Schiffert Health Education Endowment recognizes an extraordinary additional contribution to Virginia Tech offered in retirement. This endowment, which builds on Schiffert’s vision, will advance health education in many ways. As Dolores Schiffert was a source of constant support for so many years for Schiffert, so now the Dolores S. Schiffert Endowment will consistently support the Virginia Tech Health Education program in its commitment to excellence.
This memorial gift also recognizes a very special personal relationship. Dolores Schiffert, who shared her husband’s commitment to Virginia Tech, not only utilized her nursing skills to support him in his medical duties, but she also supported him emotionally, especially when he needed to work long and irregular hours. She understood the gifts that he had to share with students and colleagues who relied on his medical and leadership abilities. This special bond was underscored in Dolores Schiffert’s last days when her husband’s loving care and medical skill were sources of invaluable support and consolation.

Linda Davis Endowment
Linda Davis, MS RD served Virginia Tech for twenty-five years. She taught nutrition classes for the Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise department, worked in the cardiac rehabilitation program (Tech Center) and was a registered dietitian in the Schiffert Health Center.
Linda spent much of her career at Virginia Tech helping women with eating disorders and body image issues get appropriate treatment. She was a caring professional who helped VT students, including men, all the way from diagnosis, through treatment, and during recovery. Linda’s clients were always in the forefront of her mind.
In 1998 a group of health professionals met to discuss the growing problem of eating disorders on campus. This group established the Eating Disorder Task Force, of which Linda was a founding member. She served as the chair and co-chair of the committee, which has planned awareness and education events on campus yearly since 2000. The initial focus of preventing eating disorders expanded into encouraging healthy body image and healthy eating and exercise behaviors.
The Linda Davis Endowment is her lasting contribution to that mission.
This endowment is critical in the fight against eating disorders and body image issues at Virginia Tech. Linda’s generous support provides a timeless gift that establishes a permanent education program to encourage healthy exercise and eating behaviors and a body-positive culture for every Virginia Tech student.
In recent times, the Linda Davis Endowment has supported Body Matters Week Programming, numerous Body Project Workshop Series, Body Project Photo Booths, and training of body image program facilitators.
Linda has retired from Virginia Tech and now spends her time being active in Blacksburg with her husband Jack and dog, Jude. Grand-motherhood has also become a special part of her life. She continues to be the same friendly, fun, caring person that students and colleagues always knew. You can often spot her in downtown Blacksburg at the Farmers Market.