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Mental Health Skills Worksheets

There are countless ways to engage in self-care and improve or strengthen our mental health. These mental health skill worksheets are meant to be bite-size lessons to introduce, enhance, or continue the practices we have in our wellness toolkit. Each worksheet contains concepts, instructions, and questions that will guide you through each skill and offer options for developing a consistent, healthy habit. We recognize that college is a demanding time in a person’s life, so these worksheets are meant to be accessible and easy to complete!

Take a look at our menu of worksheets and start building your mental health toolkit today:

  • Affirmations: Our self-talk impacts how we view ourselves. When we practice speaking kindly to ourselves, we strengthen our mindsets and improve our ability to overcome challenges.
  • Brain Dump: When we feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to determine our next course of action. When we identify our sources of stress, we remind ourselves of what we can control and therefore how to proceed.
  • Building Connection: When connecting with new people, we often think we must immediately dive into deep conversation. In reality, building connection starts with small talk. How can we become more comfortable with starting conversations?
  • Mindful Journaling: Emotional literacy provides us with the ability to: recognize and identify what we are feeling, understand how to put our feelings into words and how to react to our feelings, and know why we may be feeling a certain way. Mindful Journaling is one means to begin building and strengthening that literacy.
  • Reprioritizing Time: Compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary trauma can be prevented; however, doing so requires an intentional awareness of where our time goes and the boundaries we set. A lot of times, we feel the need to find time for self-care. Many times, what is better for us is to identify what things on our plates deserve smaller portions or can be removed entirely.
  • Self-Care/Dopamine Menu: As we move about our lives, we often experience decision fatigue. To overcome this fatigue, we need to develop an intentional awareness of the activities that bring us joy and help us reconnect with ourselves. The goal of this worksheet is to help you brainstorm ideas so that you have one less decision to make when you need a coping strategy.

Downloadable Worksheets

Brain Dump.pdf
Building Connection.pdf
Mindful Journaling (Multiple sheets).pdf
Reprioritizing Time.pdf
Self-care_Dopamine menu.pdf