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Body Project

Important Notes Before You Sign Up

The Body Project consists of 2, 2 hour sessions (A/B), one week apart, for people who are wishing to earn 2 new member education points OR any person who is over being on a diet, negative self-comparison, or disordered eating and exercise patterns and just wants to rock who they are.

The Body Project is not a treatment for anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders. Please do not enroll in these workshops if you may think there is a possibility that you may have some degree of anorexia or bulimia, OR have been diagnosed or treated for either in the past and are still struggling. Instead, please contact Laurie Fritsch at for information about services for eating disorders or look into HEART (Healthy Eating Assessment & Referral Team).

The Body Project is a series:

  • Please do not register for a series if you do not actually plan on attending. No shows take away spots that could have gone to other new members.
  • Please do not sign up if you only intend to come to the first session

The full list of rules and guidelines will be sent to you after registering.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Guidelines for Attending the Body Project for Sororities

We are excited that you chose to attend the Body Project Workshop Series! Since Body Project is being offered to all chapter women, not just new members this semester we would like to take a minute to explain the incentives we are offering this semester.

  • Earn points for your chapter.

    If your chapter has a point system, or any type of incentive system, Body Project can count towards that! The actual amount of points that are offered will be determined by your chapter.

This workshop is highly interactive and you will be talking about bodies, feelings, pressure and responding to it with 6-10 other women in a small group setting. We have caring, honest, well-trained facilitators leading these workshops. We want to make sure this workshop is right for you.

We will introduce you to new ways to start thinking about your body. Many women have found this transformative. In addition to using Body Project content in your own life, you will learn techniques that can help you speak to other women, your sisters, and perhaps even your (future) children in body positive ways.

Register below for the Body Project series that best matches your status or organization.



Schedule a workshop for your group: open to all genders.

Please click below to schedule a workshop for your organization or class. You will be redirected to a form that will help you submit your request and a Hokie Wellness representative will get back with you quickly.